Welcome to my Homepage

I am Phil, the developer, owner and namesake of philipwymore.com.  This site was created by me as part of my software development training at Centriq, in Leawood, Ks.  The training involved a crash course in learning to develop dynamic web applications, and here you see the result.  I am now doing freelance development work, and hope to find full time employment very soon.  In the very near future, you will be able to see a list of freelance sites I have worked on by selecting "links" above.  In addition to class projects which can be seen by following the "projects" link above, this site has a few of my own personal projects as well.  Check them out under "More Stuff." 


I have been giving the Family Photo Gallery a complete reworking, to make the pictures easier to see.   If you prefer the old one, I'll leave the page up so you can compare.  View the new version here.  Still planning a few more modifications, and once it's complete, I'll put the link over in the right column.  Meanwhile,

Keep checking this site for further developments!

So, just who am I?

It took me a while to figure that out myself. I've been interested in computers since the third grade, and spent much of the 1980s learning how to program in the now obsolete language of BASIC.  But by the time I came to have a reasonable understanding of that language, it was no longer relevant.  And since Windows didn't come out for a few more years, computers as far as I could tell, didn't do much that didn't require completely starting over from the beginning, and I lost interest.  But now, nearly twenty years later, I have finally come back full circle, and decided once again to make a career out of computer programming. So, I have enrolled in the Software Development program at Centriq, in Leawood, Ks. I do have some other interests too, such as genealogy, which takes up quite a bit of my free time. I also enjoy doing a little writing on the side, when inspiration hits. I graduated from the University of Kansas, with a B.A. in English.  If you want to know more, you can follow the bio link, once the page is finished.